Plants For Sale - wide selection available, cheaply priced
Plants for sale!
Spare plants, seedlings, cuttings, split perennials etc
Priced just to cover pots & compost etc - just wanting to find a good home rather than compost the plants! Too many to photograph!
Dactylorhiza fuchsia – common spotted orchid - £2
Small hawthorn tree – 50p
Pink hydrangea – 50p
Alium moly, yellow flowers, 2/3 in a pot – 50p
Primula auricula Old Yellow Duster - £2
Primula auricula Neat & Tidy - £2
Primula auricula The Baron - £2
Primula auricula Dales Red - £2
Primula auricula Rajah - £2
Abutilon hybridum, orange flowers – 50p
Aquiliga, dark purple flowers, large plant - £2
Aquiliga, purple/white flowers – 50p-£1 depending on size
Dahlia Mary Evelyn, pot tuber - £1
Astrantia – 50p-£1 depending on size
Buddleja weyeriana, yellow ball shaped flowers - £1
Arum lily, house plant - £1
Rhododendron Dora Amateis seedling – 50p
paeonia delavayi this years seedlings - £1
Acer tchnonskii - £4
Lonicera Japonica Halliana, evergreen honeysuckle, fragrant cream flowers - £1
Crassula ovata, house plant - £3
Clivia - £1
Rats tail cactus (Aporocactus flagelliformis), mature house plant - £5
Mother in laws tongue, (Sansevieria trifasciata), house plant - £4
Pelargonium Lemon Fancy, sweet lemon scented leaved geranium, house plant - £3
Pelargonium Charity, mild orange scented leaved geranium, variegated leaves, house plant - £3
Pelargonium Lemon scented leaved geranium, house plant - £3
Pelargonium Graveolens, rose/citrus scented leaved geranium, house plant - £3
Hosta, large blue grey leaves – 50p - £3 depending on size
Hosta, green white variegated leaves – 50p – £2 depending on size
Blue iris clumps, probably sibirica – 50p-£2 depending on size
Blue iris clumps, unknown – 50p-£2 depending on size
Hydrangea petiolaris - £2
Rosa glauca large plant - £3
Rosa glauca small plant – 50p
Podophyllum aurantiocaule, rare - £5
Stephanandra incisa ‘crispa’ - £1-£2 depending on size
Calla lily, house plant - £1
Small holly tree – 50p
Euphorbia griffithii “Fireglow” - £1
Astilbe, white plumes - £1
lonicera periclymenum serotina, Honeysuckle – 50p
Hardy geranium bare root stems, blue or pink – 20p each
Yellow loosestrife, Lysimachia Punctata clumps 50p
Iris pseudacorus “Variegata” clumps, yellow flag iris - £1-£2 depending on size
If planted now most will grow into good plants and flower next year.